We are Imposant

Translations from Whateverish to Swedish

We produce texts, ideas and content for the Swedish market, so your organisation can increase your sales, build your brand, deepen your customer relationships, change attitudes or gain market share. We work with selling texts, good storytelling and effective messages. All of our writing serve a purpose – to persuade the reader to buy a product or service, join a club or download an app.

Imposant is not a translation agency, but we help our foreign customers with Swedish copywriting and this often includes translation of texts such as English, German, Dutch, French or Spanish. We will ensure that your message works with your Swedish customers and gives you all the clicks, purchases or downloads you expect.

In Sweden we call this an älg (ɛlj).

If you want to introduce your brand to Sweden, we can help you with marketing, writing and translations. Since we work in a network with others in freelance advertising (web designers, art directors, photographers and illustrators), we can quickly customize the project group to suit your needs. Among other things, we can help you to:

  • Translate your website to Swedish
  • Write content in Swedish for your blog
  • Launch your brand on the Swedish market
  • Communicate with your customers in Sweden

For more extensive translations – for example novels, nonfiction or instruction manuals – we have to refer you to one of our partners. Contact us today and we'll make sure you get in touch with a professional Swedish translator in no time.

Let's connect!

Please write me a letter, send an e-mail, give me a phone call or make some good ol' smoke signals. Here's the adress to our office:

Imposant kommunikation
Stenåsvägen 42
702 21  Örebro

Send email     Call Mikael